Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Last evening video....

Brief, but clearly denotes the mood :)

living the dream, off to Copenhagen now :)


Last day and evening in 'Merica

Im back home now in mighty Blighty, but here are some final moments from the last day and night in the States

my place after the leaving doooo

Joe Horn having a crafty one..


Monday, 30 April 2012

My friend Stix.....please read

Hello all,

On a rare serious note on MOT, I have just completed three months in the USA as you may have guessed and one of the chaps with us was diagnosed with lymphoma in his lung. He is tough as it comes and has been dealing with it like a champion, please drop into his learning bridge page below and show your support!

Back in the UK in a few hours at last after a lovely week in Portugal.


Thanks all,


Stix gets a head start on the Chemo with a classic mo